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by Nick Wolf

Focus Area

Elevating the Role of Judges and the Courts as an Environmental Issue

At Earthjustice Action, we firmly believe no one is above the law. When large corporations release toxic pollution into the air we breathe and the water we drink, our legal system empowers people to seek justice and stand up against polluters and harmful industries that threaten the health and well-being of our communities. 

Earthjustice Action plays a vital role in placing our courts at the forefront of environmental politics. With 870 judgeships across the federal judicial system, we work tirelessly to advocate for the confirmation of federal judges who recognize the government's responsibility to safeguard the environment, public health, and public lands for every individual. Additionally, we are dedicated to educating and engaging voters on the importance of federal judges who uphold laws and regulations that protect the environment and public well-being. 

Join us in our efforts to make a lasting impact, and let's protect our planet for future generations. 

Environmental laws are only as strong as the judges who uphold them.

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Earthjustice Action Launches Ad Campaign Thanking U.S. Senators for Supporting the Nomination of Nancy Abudu

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West Virginia v. EPA Decision Highlights What’s at Stake in This Year’s Elections

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Press Release
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Earthjustice Action Applauds Historic Confirmation of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court

WASHINGTON—Today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court. Confirmed with bipartisan support, Justice Jackson will be the first Black woman to serve on the court in history. After the confirmation vote, Earthjustice Action Executive…

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Press Release
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Earthjustice Action Calls on Senators to Confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee completed confirmation hearings on the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court. If confirmed, Judge Jackson will be the first Black woman to serve on the court. Following the conclusion…

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Press Release
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Leading Environmental Groups Launch Ad Campaign in Key States to Support Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Earthjustice Action, the League of Conservation Voters, and the Sierra Club launched a digital ad campaign in support of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. When confirmed, Judge Jackson will make history…

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Earthjustice Action Launches Ad Campaign in Key States to Support Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court

On March 14, Earthjustice Action joined the League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club and launched a digital ad campaign in support of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. When confirmed, Judge Jackson will make…

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Press Release
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Earthjustice Action Celebrates U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson and Urges Swift Senate Confirmation

WASHINGTON—Today, President Joe Biden will announce the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Judge Jackson will be the first Black woman to serve on the Court in its 233-year history. In response, Earthjustice Action Executive…

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Environmental laws are only as strong as the judges who uphold them.

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