Earthjustice Action Celebrates Confirmation of 75th Biden Judicial Pick
WASHINGTON, DC—Today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Elizabeth Wilson Hanes to the federal district court for the eastern district of Virginia, making her the 75th lifetime judge of the Biden Administration, the fastest pace on judicial confirmations in the last 60 years. After the vote, Earthjustice Action Executive Director Marjorie Mulhall issued the following statement:
“We applaud the quick work of President Biden and the Democratically-controlled Senate to rebalance the federal bench with diverse, highly-qualified, and fair-minded judges. Our environmental laws are only as strong as the judges who uphold them, and we are confident these judges will prioritize science and facts over politics. We urge the Senate to continue to prioritize filling judicial vacancies during the remainder of the 117th Congress, and quickly confirm more of President Biden’s stellar nominees to the federal judiciary.”