
Earthjustice Action Slams Biden Administration’s Approval of the Willow Project

WASHINGTON, DC—This week the Biden Administration approved ConocoPhillips’ Willow Project, a massive drilling project in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. When completed, the project will have a staggering climate impact and emit an estimated 260 million metric tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. After the announcement, Earthjustice Action Executive Director Marjorie Mulhall issued the following statement: 

“We’re outraged that the Biden Administration caved to fossil fuel interests and approved the Willow Project. Set to be the largest drilling project on U.S. public lands, it will have an irreversible impact on pristine Alaskan wilderness and will complicate our efforts to fight climate change. This action severely undermines President Biden’s own stated goals of emissions reduction and a clean energy transition. Environmental voters elected President Biden because they trusted him to make the difficult decisions to end our fossil fuel addiction and act on climate, and he must deliver. Our future cannot wait. If President Biden is serious about addressing climate change and leaving a habitable planet for future generations, his administration must stop greenlighting dangerous fossil fuel projects.”  

From December 2022 – January 2023, Earthjustice Action ran ads on MSNBC’s Morning Joe urging the Biden Administration to reject the proposed project. Watch the ad here.