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This bill will worsen wildfires and undermine protections for our forests and endangered species

What's At Stake

Congress is considering a bill that would undermine forest and endangered species protections, harm drinking water, and worsen deadly wildfires.

In January, Representatives Bruce Westerman and Scott Peters reintroduced H.R. 471, the so-called Fix Our Forests Act (FOFA). This bill would roll back critical environmental laws, such as the National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered Species Act, and National Historic Preservation Act. The Senate is now considering this damaging legislation.

Despite its name and supposed attempt to mitigate wildfire risk, the bill is nothing more than a Trojan horse that weakens environmental protections, exposes our forests to clear-cut logging, stifles the public’s voice, and perversely diverts resources that could be used for wildfire defense away from the communities that need them the most.

We need your help to defeat this legislation. Contact your Senators and tell them to oppose the Fix Our Forests Act.

We must do everything we can to protect communities from wildfires and to help them recover. This cynical, industry-driven bill would not provide impacted communities with the proven tools and techniques to keep themselves safe. Instead, the bill would:

– Facilitate large-scale, industry-driven logging operations with no guarantees or standards related to fire, potentially making forests more susceptible to wildfires.

– Prevent local communities from voicing their concerns with these projects.

– Exempt tens of thousands of acres of public lands from environmental laws that protect threatened and endangered species.

– Tie the hands of individuals attempting to hold federal agencies accountable in the courts when they violate the laws governing public forests.

At a time when our forests face deadlier wildfires and endangered species are facing a biodiversity crisis, further weakening environmental laws like the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act is not the answer.

We can’t allow Congress to politicize the devastating California wildfires and ram through a bill that would only increase the profits of the logging industry. Tell your Senators to oppose the Fix Our Forests Act.

Photo by roya ann miller on Unsplash
Photo by roya ann miller on Unsplash

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