
Earthjustice Action Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris for President

MEDIA CONTACT: Geoffrey Nolan, gnolan@earthjustice.org

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Today, Earthjustice Action President Abigail Dillen issued the following statement endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States: 

“Earthjustice Action endorses Kamala Harris for President of the United States. We know that our democracy, including the future of our courts, hangs in the balance of this election.  We know that another Trump administration has disastrous implications for our planet. We trust Vice President Harris to stand up for the rule of law and provide the climate and environmental leadership that is urgently needed in our country and in the world. 

“Vice President Harris is a seasoned lawyer who has dedicated her career to the public interest.  She understands the role that government can and must uniquely play in holding polluters accountable and setting and enforcing environmental standards that truly protect people. 

“The Biden-Harris Administration has made historic progress in investing in climate solutions and elevating environmental justice as a federal priority. We expect Vice President Harris to continue to marshal a whole-of-government approach to drive bold climate action, advance environmental justice, take on the toxic pollution that is driving asthma, cancer and other diseases, and mount an effective response to our escalating biodiversity crisis. 

“In the face of a runaway Supreme Court, Vice President Harris understands the overriding importance of confronting judicial overreach and prioritizing the appointment of fair judges that respect science, the separation of powers, and the rule of law. 

 “We lived through four chaotic years of a Trump Presidency that brought both our democracy and our planet to the brink. We can’t afford to live through another four. Vice President Harris understands the stakes of this election for our country, and we believe she has the leadership and experience to move the country forward in this decisive decade.”    

About Earthjustice Action’s 2024 Electoral Strategy: 

Earthjustice Action is dedicated to defending and strengthening our environmental laws and elevating the role of courts and judges as an environmental issue. We are joining efforts across the movement to put our courts and the future of our planet as a signature issue this November. Earthjustice Action’s voter mobilization efforts aim to get over 600,000 environmental voters to the polls in Montana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona through phones, direct mail, and digital efforts.